Have you heard about Google’s Keen? With a vision to give a tough competition to its rival Pinterest, this platform has a lot to offer. It’s an AI-based interest app which is creating a buzz which was rolled out by Google in 2020.

Google has silently launched this web-based mobile app like any other product. To test the market and improve the user experience, this is a tested strategy from the technology giant.

Google’s AI-Powered Keen is considered a new source for referral traffic which is worth exploring.

Let’s Discuss What is Keen?

Keen is an AI-based web and android app which is a part of Google’s Area 120 experimental project. Area 120 is a small team of technology experts to bring imagination into reality. They work as a small startup mode that brings innovative products to life.

As per the sources from Google, this concept was generated by a couple who thought of sharing information which is important to them and shares among themselves.

The next step was to start collecting data’s like goals related to their hobbies and goals. Soon these technology experts understood they don’t just need a tool to curate and share the information but to discover more of those ideas.

Thus. a new baby was born formally known as Google’s AI-powered Keen.

“What are we doing?” my wife asked as we both looked up from our phones one evening. We’d been browsing feeds of posts, images and news for hours on end, mindlessly filling the gaps between work and sleep. “This is our one precious life,” she told me. That line, paraphrased from a Mary Oliver poem, became shorthand for us to spend more time on what we loved.

That week, we started collecting some of the things that brought us joy and shared them with each other. She grew up birding and knew I was interested, so she sent me links to resources on bird identification, migration patterns and good binoculars. Since we met, we had also dreamed about someday starting a flower farm, so we began collecting notes on farming plans, seed catalogues and other ideas to chase that dream together.”

Source: https://www.blog.google/technology/area-120/keen/

Role of Google’s Keen.

As we have seen what is “Keen”, let’s discuss what’s the use. This smart AI-powered Keep not only curates the content but it can be shared with the public, specific people or can be kept private.

The distinctive feature of Google’s Keen that makes it different from Pinterest is, it uses Google Search and machine learning to show the content related to your interest.

As your collection grow, it will give you better content feed based on user interest. This is one of a productive content discovery method.

Keen A New Channel for Referral Traffic.

Google’s Keen is a new opportunity to build popularity and traffic to your website. It actively searches and suggests content based on user intention.

A search engine is passive. It waits for users to ask a question before showing them a relevant result, however, Keen is proactive. It gives curates and suggests information based on users interest.

Curate and Share with Google’s Keen.

It’s time to curate content for yourself or for other people or business. Just as my wife found about birding for me, you can use it to curate resources which you would like to share with people in your network.

Expand and Explore with the new Google’s AI-powered Keen.

With every Keen you create and the more you curate the content, it will help the platform to discover information based on your interest using Machine Learning technology. Even if you are not an expert of any particular topic, you can use this content curation tool to get more recommendation and expand your knowledge.


You can also follow Keen that is created by others, this will help you to discover hand-curated content and topics. Don’t wait, create your Keen account and generate traffic for your website without spending a dollar.